Online Gambling Dispute Resolution

Online gambling dispute resolution act
What is ODR?

Online Dispute Resolution (or ODR) is a tool to help you start the process of negotiating a small claims case. It gives you and the other person a chance to resolve your dispute before the in- person Pretrial Conference/Mediation date. In most situations, it takes less time than a trial!

Online gambling dispute resolution act

If you have raised a dispute or made a complaint to Betfair Pty Limited and you are not satisfied with Betfair Pty Limited’s decision in relation to your dispute or complaint, you can lodge a dispute/complaint with the Northern Territory Racing Commission via the online “gambling dispute form” found here. Online Dispute Resolution, or ODR, is a free tool provided by the New Mexico Courts Online Dispute Resolution Center to resolve a Debt & Money Due case. This is an informal process that provides those actually involved in a court case with the opportunity to determine the best resolution for all involved.

How does ODR work?

If your small claims case qualifies, you will need to ensure that your email address is on file with the court. Email ODR@ for instructions on how to update your email address.


Online Gambling Dispute Resolution Software

Online Gambling Dispute Resolution

If both parties have an email address on file, and your case qualifies for ODR, the court will send you an email to let you know that you can use ODR to resolve your case. The email will also provide instructions on how to register with the Online Dispute Resolution Center.

Next, the plaintiff will answer some questions about the case. Then the court will send the defendant an email. The defendant should review the information and provide a response.

If you can’t find a solution with the other person, either of you can ask for help from a mediator. A mediator is a certified specialist trained to help you reach a resolution.

You will not need to appear for your Pretrial Conference Mediation date if you reach a signed agreement using the Online Resolution Center.

Online Gambling Dispute Resolution Act

Timeliness matters in this process! You must complete the process at least 10 calendar days before your Pretrial Conference Mediation date. If you do not complete the process by the deadline you will need to appear for your Pretrial Conference Mediation date.

Online Gambling Dispute Resolution Definition

Check your email for a message from

How much does it cost?

Online Gambling Dispute Resolution Template

It’s free! The Ninth Judicial Circuit Court provides the Online Resolution Center at no cost to you!

What if we don’t reach an agreement?

If you do not reach an agreement you will have to appear for your scheduled Pretrial Conference Mediation date.